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International Student Testimonials

Learn directly from some of our current international students and recent international graduates about why they chose Loyola, what they love about Baltimore, their involvement on campus, and the services and guidance we offer to support our students.

Want to become a Greyhound? Learn more about International Admission at Loyola.

Grace Banh headshot among a background of live greenery
Gia Banh, '23

Class year: Transfer Student; Graduated 2023
Major: Accounting
Minor: Information Systems

Hometown: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

"I chose the Loyola accounting program because one of the accounting professors that I had made the subject so intuitive and fun to learn. It is also a very practical career with versatile options, which provides the financial stability I am looking for after graduation. I also minor in information systems because accounting has shifted toward data analysis and equipping myself with technological knowledge seems to complement my major well."

Larissa Campos Mira headshot
Larissa Campos Mira, '25

Class year: Junior
Majors: International Business, Sustainability Management
Minor: Spanish

Hometown: Niterói, Brazil

Involvement: Ignatius Scholars Program, Philosophy Club, Evergreens, Women’s Club Rugby, Study Abroad

"Watching the Evergreens work with first-year students and making our campus such a lively environment made me excited to apply to the program—and I was thrilled to be accepted! I've had the opportunity to meet and work with other student leaders with similar goals and strengths and to learn new skills that will help me not only with the Evergreen responsibilities but also in the future when I am working an internship or a job. I am beyond excited to meet the new first-year students I’ll get to mentor in the fall and to put those skills to practice!"

Heidi Chow headshot in front of the Alumni Memorial Chapel
Heidi Chow, '23

Class year: Graduated 2023
Majors: Communication, Marketing

Hometown: Hong Kong

InvolvementTransfer Student Organization, Asian Cultural Alliance, Public Relations Student Society of America, Club Basketball, Loyola Marketing Ambassador, Back on My Feet, InterVarsity

"I chose Loyola because of the close-knit community, the people, and the generous financial package. The small campus size makes connecting with people easier and on a deeper, more personal level, and working at the Career Center as a Loyola Career Ambassador has helped me prepare myself (as well as others) for our future careers!"

Maya Dudockin headshot
Maya Dudokin, '25

Class year: Junior
Majors: International Business, Marketing
Minor: Communication

Hometown: Kibbutz Kefar Masaryk, Israel

Involvement: Women’s DI Volleyball

"My favorite thing about Baltimore is how diverse the city is and how many activities there are to do in the city. I like Baltimore’s location since it makes traveling easier and faster. For example, Washington, D.C., is only 45 minutes away by train, and you can be in New York City in just three hours by train."

Albert Kang
Albert Kang, '23

Class year: Graduated 2023
Majors: Finance, Information Systems

Hometown: Vancouver, Canada

Involvement: Men’s DI Soccer, Sellinger Scholars Program, Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit Honor Society), Student-Athlete Advisory Council, community service through CCSJ.

"I was recruited to play soccer at Loyola, and after visiting, I knew it would be a good fit for me for athletics and academics. One of the many lessons I’ve learned at Loyola is that to grow and develop as an individual, it’s key to step outside your comfort zone—to become comfortable with the uncomfortable—because that’s where life starts. Loyola has made me want to chase the difficult, the uncomfortable, the unknown. I’ve become confident here because I am supported here. Loyola has readied me for whatever the world has in store."

Malcolm Kiiza headshot among a field of tulips
Malcolm Kiiza, '25

Class year: Junior
Major: Communication

Hometown: Kigali, Rwanda

Involvement: Club running, Boxing Club, Black Student Association (BSA), African Student Association board member

"During my senior year of high school, my college counselor had recommended Loyola University, so with my family, we drove on a weekend to tour the campus and received a warm welcome from student ambassadors and a complete tour of the facilities. I was raised as a Catholic and many of my family members received a very good education in Jesuit institutions in Africa. All this comforted me that it would be a good fit for me to continue my family legacy and values. By the time we left the campus, I was convinced that Loyola University Maryland was the right place to further my college education."

Riccardo Meyer professional headshot
Riccardo Meyer, '22

Class year: Transfer Student; Graduated 2022
Major: Marketing

Hometown: Asti, Italy

Involvement: Internship with State Farm

"There are so many reasons to tell an international student like me to study at Loyola. One is the organization and support the school provides for everything. Being an international student is not always easy, but the Office of International Student Services (OISS) at Loyola has several staff members more than ready to help you with anything you need. I had some trouble finding important documents for my off-campus internship, and they stepped right in to help."


Contact Your Counselor

Rachel Scholten headshot

Rachel Scholten

Director of International Admission
Supports applicants from: East Asia, Europe, Oceania, South America, South Asia, Southeast Asia
Marvin Barahona headshot

Marvin Barahona

Assistant Director of International Admission
Supports applicants from: Africa, Caribbean, Central America, Central Asia, Middle East, North America