Loyola's Master's in Educational Technology program internship experience
The educational technology internship is a non-traditional experience that places Master of Education in Educational Technology candidates in a technology leadership role in their own professional setting. Internship projects are developed on an individual basis by each candidate with the assistance of their internship supervisor.
First, the candidate proposes a technology-related leadership project connected to a topic of great interest to them and based on needs identified in their professional setting. Then, candidates work cooperatively with colleagues and their internship supervisor to implement and facilitate their plan, while actively reflecting on their process and progress. This rich customized experience provides candidates with significant opportunities to apply their educational technology knowledge and skills as well as their newly learned leadership dispositions in a real setting under the supervision of their administration and their internship supervisor.
Examples of students’ internships
Past internships have included the development of a school makerspace, the roll out
of a new school-wide learning management system, coaching colleagues about technology
integration tools, building a classroom recording studio, developing online professional
development modules, and leading STEM and robotics initiatives.
What do these internships have in common? They were uniquely developed by Loyola’s educational technology candidates who relied on their individual interest and technology expertise to fulfill a need in their setting that required them to demonstrate their newly learned leadership skills.