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First-year Messina Events

Three images of first-year students from CS151: Messina picnic, Messina wearable tech workshop, Messina picnic

Every fall semester the first-year Hyman Science Scholars will take the Computer Science 151 together as their Messina course. Messina is the seminar program that all students at the university participate in their first year. The activities for the Hyman Science Scholars in their Messina course changes each year. The following schedule is for fall 2021; students in the course should consult their syllabus and Moodle for the official schedule.

Date Activity/Topic

September 8


September 14

Activity Fair on Quad 4-6:30PM

September 15

Campus Resources Scavenger Hunt

September 22

Stress Management

September 29


September ??

STEP-UP! Bystander Intervention Session

October 4

Mass incarceration justice panel

October 11

Charm city screening at Senator (optional)

October 20

Counseling Center & The Study

October 27

Registration (& sneak peek to Study Abroad)

November 1

Becoming Bullet-Proof Event

November 3 Discussion of Becoming Bullet-Proof 
November 17  How to Make a Website
December 8  Hampden Lights

Apply to the Hyman Science Scholars Program


New Name, Same Program

Loyola's CPaMS Scholars Program is now the Hyman Science Scholars Program, thanks to the philanthropic support of a generous foundation whose leader has a passion for the sciences that will inspire the next generation of Loyola students. The only change is the name! Just like CPaMS Scholars, Hyman Science Scholars are academically talented students majoring in computer science, mathematics, statistics, data science, or physics. Students benefit from a cohort model through which they gain peer support and faculty mentorship, extracurricular enrichment, internship opportunities and career guidance in STEM-related fields.

Contact Us

Questions about the Hyman Science Scholars Program? Send an email to


NSF logoNational Science Foundation
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1458339