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Events for Hyman Science Scholars Program occur throughout the year. Many of the events are cohort specific: first-year students attend their Messina events, second-year students attend the Sophomore Seminar, juniors participate in interdisciplinary experiences, and seniors have a series of activities and meetings to help them determine their next step upon graduation. Below are a list of events not related to those courses. More events to be added throughout the year. Activities such as career fairs and general networking events should be signed up for via Loyola Handshake.


Date Event
Thursday Aug 29, 12:30-2:30PM Required: Orientation for first-year students.
Friday Sept 13, 4-6PM Required: Hyman Science Scholars start of year meeting, for all Scholars

Fall Semester

Date Event
Every Monday at 3PM Sophomore Seminar: Come see speakers who work in STEM discuss their jobs and career paths. Required for sophomores, optional otherwise. 
TBD Hyman Science Scholars Social -- come take a break from exams with your fellow Scholars

Spring Semester

Date Event
TBD Hyman Science Scholars Social
March Hyman Science Scholars Networking Event - take a break from the semester with movie night and free food
May Hyman Science Scholars Senior Celebration - celebrate our graduating Scholars

Apply to the Hyman Science Scholars Program


New Name, Same Program

Loyola's CPaMS Scholars Program is now the Hyman Science Scholars Program, thanks to the philanthropic support of a generous foundation whose leader has a passion for the sciences that will inspire the next generation of Loyola students. The only change is the name! Just like CPaMS Scholars, Hyman Science Scholars are academically talented students majoring in computer science, mathematics, statistics, data science, or physics. Students benefit from a cohort model through which they gain peer support and faculty mentorship, extracurricular enrichment, internship opportunities and career guidance in STEM-related fields.

Contact Us

Questions about the Hyman Science Scholars Program? Send an email to


NSF logoNational Science Foundation
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1458339