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Approved Courses

Art History

  • AH*315D African American Art


  • BL*111 Environmental Biology (*with permission from PJ director)

Business Administration

  • BA*420 Invest Black&Women Entrepren
  • BA*495 Sp Tp:Applied Angel Investing


  • CH*114D Global Environment


  • CL*228, CL*307 Peace and War in Ancient Rome
  • CL*350 Prophets and Peacemakers


  • CM*385 Special Topics in Communication (*with permission from PJ director)


  • EC*360 Environmental Economics


  • ED*441D Sem:Eq, Jus&Urb Ed Thr Lit


  • EN*367 - Topics in American Literature (*with permission from PJ director)
  • EN*373D African American Literature
  • EN*376 Postcolonial Literature
  • EN*387 Seminar: At Home in the World
  • EN*387D Sem: 21st C Literature&Time
  • EN*487 - Seminar in Contemporary Literature (*with permission from PJ director)


  • FR*332 Trauma and Testimony
  • FR*335 The Algerian War (1954-1962)
  • FR*380 - Special Topics in French and Francophone Literature (*with permission from PJ director)


  • HS*228, HS*307 Peace and War in Ancient Rome
  • HS*319 Nazi Germany & the Holocaust
  • HS*333 History & Politics of Balkans
  • HS*347 History of Civil Rights and Human Rights Law
  • HS*372D Vietnam War Film & Literature
  • HS*383 Violence & Holiness in 20th Century El Salvador
  • HS*389D, HS*441D Gender&Power in Modern Africa
  • HS*389D Women&Social Chng Mod Africa
  • HS*398 Global Histories of Disability
  • HS*491 Migration, Displacement, and Refugees: Middle East
  • HS*492 Minority Identity and Citizenship in the Modern World
  • HS*498 Seminar: Histories of Intellectual Disabilities

Modern Languages (in English)

  • ML*309D Gender, Peace and Justice in East Asia: Texts and Context


  • PL*210 Phil Perspect:Politics&Society
  • PL*228D Phil Pers:Philosophy&Genocide
  • PL*232 Philosophical Perspectives: Gender and Nature (*with permission from PJ director)
  • PL*305D Eth&Pol Humanitarian Interven
  • PL*306 Ethics of Race and Gender
  • PL*315 Ethics after Auschwitz
  • PL*334 - Contemporary Political Philosophy (*with permission from PJ director)
  • PL*335 Pol Phil:Just&Mass Incarcer
  • PL*343 Philosophy of Human Rights
  • PL*346 Philosophy of Peace
  • PL*386 Forgiveness and Revenge
  • PL*399D Anthropology of Slavery

Political Science

  • PS*304 Politics of the Middle East
  • PS*310 Protest&Mobil Authorit Regime
  • PS*334 Global Justice
  • PS*352 Gender,Human Rights,&Conflict
  • PS*360 Transitional Justice
  • PS*363 Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict
  • PS*404 Sem:Pol Resist Cntmpry China
  • PS*423 Genocide, Trauma, Memory: Mass Atrocity in the 21st Century
  • PS*426 Conflict,Peace&Rconcl Balkans


  • PT*381 Photojournalism


  • SC*100 Introduction to Sociology 
  • SC*203D Globalization and Society
  • SC*339 Conflict, War, and Peace
  • SC*349 - Special Topics in Sociology (*with permission from PJ director)
  • SC*373 Sociology of Human Rights
  • SC*376 Isrl-Palestine:Conf,Med,Peace
  • SC*377 Social Movements & Soc Protest
  • SC*430 Seminar: Gender and Justice
  • SC*441 Sem:Con&Recon in Divided Soc


  • SN*308 Violen&Cult: Colomb 20th Cent
  • SN*366 Latin American Testimony


  • TH*232 Food, Hunger, and the Bible
  • TH*244 Forgiveness & Reconciliation
  • TH*310 Ethics: Peace Ethics
  • TH*310 The Ethics of War and Peace
  • TH*314D Disability&Trauma Christ Trad
  • TH*350 Prophets and Peacemakers
  • TH*370 Lib Theo:Roots,Branches&Crtqs
  • TH*395 Just, Peace & Integ Creation
  • TH*401 Peace and Justice Capstone


  • WR*200 Intro to Creative Nonfiction (*with permission from PJ director)
  • WR*220 Intro to Rhetoric (*with permission of PJ director)
  • WR*323 Wrtng Center Practice & Theory
  • WR*327 Civic Literacy
  • WR*354 Writing about the Environment
  • WR*385 Spec Topic: Memoirs of Crisis
  • WR*385D Sp Top: Poetics of Social Just
  • WR*386 Sp Top: Dem, Pol,&Amer Foun Tx
  • WR*387 Sp Top: Memoirs of Crisis

Contact Us

Heidi Shaker
Associate Professor of French
Director, Office of Peace and Justice
Maryland Hall 351-I