Recent Publications
Martha C. Taylor, Thucydides's Melian Dialogue and Sicilian Expedition. A Student Commentary. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2019.
Walsh, Joseph J. The Great Fire of Rome. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019.
Baumgartner, J. C. & Becker, A. B. (Eds.) Political Humor in a Changing Media Landscape: A New Generation of Research. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018.
Biswas, M. (2020). Mass Media in Libya. In Debra Merskin (Ed.) The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Biswas, M. (2019). "Assessment of Bangladeshi Ethnic Media’s roles in the U.S.: An analysis of four web papers." In S. S. Yu & M. D. Matsaganis (Eds.), Ethnic media in the digital age (Chapter 9), New York, NY: Routledge.
Biswas, M., & Izard, R. (2018). "Infusing diversity content across the curriculum." Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication, 8(1): 1-16.
Kim, N. Y., & Biswas, M. K. (2018). What makes people underestimate the perceived impact of public service announcements? The theoretical implication for the third-person and first-person perceptions. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, 4(2): 95-108,
King, E. & Alperstein N. Best Practices in Planning Strategically for Online Educational Programs. Routledge, 2018.
King, E., & Tropin, M. Currents in Communication, 3rd edition. Kendall Hunt, 2018.
Moore, J., Magee, S., Gamreklidze, E., & Kowalewski, J. (2017). “The Ghosts in Social Media: A Theory of Social Media Mourning to Explore How People Grieve on Social Networking Sites.” Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 74(3): 1-29. DOI: 10.1177/0030222817709691
Newton, A., & Steiner, L. (2019) “Pretty In Pink: The ongoing importance of appearance in broadcast news.” In Carter, C., Steiner, L., & Allan, S. (Eds), Journalism, Gender and Power, New York, NY: Routledge.
Rosas-Moreno, Tania C., Higgins Joyce, Vanessa de Macedo; Straubhaar, Joseph D., &
Pinha, Daniel. “The Creative Intersection of Brazilian Film, Television and New Streaming
Services.” Routledge Handbook of Communication and Media in the Global South.
Rosas-Moreno, Tania C., & Higgins, Joyce, Vanessa de Macedo. “Latin and South American
Journalism." The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies.
Barnett-Woods, Victoria. Cultural Economies of the Atlantic World: Objects and Capital in the Transatlantic Imagination. Routledge, 2020.
Cole, Jean Lee. How the Other Half Laughs: The Comic Sensibility in American Culture, 1895-1920 (University Press of Mississippi, 2020).
Ellis, Juniper. “Laughter’s Truths: Hurston, Ellison, and Open-Ended Dialogue,” Studies in American Humor, vol. 6, no. 1, 2020, pp. 91-109.
Ellis, Juniper. “Oceanian Knowing and Decolonial Love in Sia Figiel’s Freelove.” New Oceania: Modernisms and Modernity in the Pacific. Eds. Matthew Hayward and Maebh Long. Routledge, 2019, pp. 210-226.
Forni, Kathleen. Beowulf’s Popular Afterlife in Literature, Comic Books, and Film / Routledge Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture, 2018.
Miller, Nicholas “Washed Up: Animating Literary Corpses in The Pearce Sisters.” In Annabelle Honess Roe (Ed.), Aardman Animations: Beyond Stop-Motion (pp. 119-38). London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
Miola, Robert. "Returning to Rome." Shakespeare Quarterly, 2019.
Miola, Robert. “Encountering the Past I: Shakespeare’s Reception of Classical Comedy.”
The Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Comedy. Ed. Heather Hirschfeld (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 36-54.
Miola, Robert. “Curses in Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes and Shakespeare’s Richard II.” Skenè: Journal
of Theatre and Drama Studies 4: 2 (2018), 15-37.
Osteen, Mark, ed. The Beatles through a Glass Onion: Reconsidering the White Album. University of Michigan Press, 2019.
Osteen, Mark. “‘We came for the dirt but stayed for the talk’: Don DeLillo’s Theatre.” Don DeLillo: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Ed. Katherine Da Cunha Lewin & Kiron Ward. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2018. 79-93.
2020 Military History Distinguished Book Award:
Congratulations to Dr. DeVries, whose recent book, co-authored with Michael Livingston,
Medieval Warfare: A Reader, has won the 2020 Society for Military History Distinguished Book Award. This is their second prize from the SMH (with only 5 multiple winners previously).
Their book was published by U of Toronto Press last October.
Carey, David. Oral History in Latin America: Unlocking the Spoken Archive. New York: Routledge, 2017.
Carey, David. Violence and Crime in Latin America: Representations and Politics (co-editor with Gema Santamaría). Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2017. Dr.
Mulcahy, Matthew and Stuart Schwartz. “Natures Battalions: Insects as Agricultural Pests in the Early Modern Caribbean,” William and Mary Quarterly (July 2018): 433-464.
Mulcahy, Matthew. “Making Sense of Disasters in Early America – and Today” The American Historian 15 (February 2018): 36-42.
Pegram, Tom. “The Ku Klux Klan, Labor, and the White Working Class during the 1920s,” Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 17 (April 2018), 373-396.
Ross, Andrew. Public City/Public Sex: Homosexuality, Prostitution and Urban Culture in Nineteenth-Century
Paris. Temple University Press, 2019.
Scalenghe, Sara. “Physical Disabilities in the Premodern Arab World.” In Oxford Handbook of Disability History, ed.Catherine Kudlick, Kim Nielsen and Michael Rembis. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Schmidt, Elizabeth. Foreign Intervention in Africa after the Cold Ware: Sovereignty, Responsibility, and
the War on Terror. Ohio University Press, 2018.
Sandler, Willeke. Empire in the Heimat: Colonialism and Public Culture in the Third Reich. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Modern Languages
Donaldson, Randall. “German Culture in Maryland,” The Report: A Journal of German-American History, 48 (March 2020), 1–12.
Donaldson, Randall. “Potthast Bros. Furniture & The First World War,” The Report: A Journal of German-American History, 48 (March 2020), 81–94.
Espejo-Saavedra, Ramón. “Novela corta y publicación periódica: nueva lectura de El cura de Vericueto (1894) de Clarín.” Decimonónica, vol. 17, no. 1, 2020, pp. 20-33.
Gómez-Pérez, Ana. “Las confesiones de Rosa Chacel: Memorias de Leticia Valle y La sinrazón” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 96.2 (2019): 161-179.
Jácome, Margarita. "Deseo, memoria y liberación en la poesía de Luz Argentina Chiriboga". Poemas y cantos. Antología crítica de autoras afrodescendientes de América Latina. Edited by María Mercedes Jaramillo and Betty Osorio. Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia, online, 2020.
Morgan, Leslie Zarker. “The ‘Cantare dei cantari’: A Fifteenth-Century Vernacular Menu of Song.” Re-Edition, Annotation and Translation into English of Pio Rajna’s ‘Cantare dei Cantari’. Letteratura cavalleresca italiana 2 (2020): 61-116.
Morgan, Leslie Zarker. “Cent ans de franco-italien : du Huon d’Auvergne de 1341 au Huon d’Auvergne de 1441.” Quaderni Monografici di Francigena 2020.
Morgan, Leslie Zarker, John C. McLucas and April Oettinger, eds. Orlando Furioso at 500, 1516-2016, selected papers of Symposium held in Baltimore, MD. Preface by Walter Stephens. Special issue of MLN 2018 (Italian Issue), 133.1.
Ward, Thomas. “Sistema decimal entre los antiguos peruanos’: An Example of An Understudied Genre in Ricardo Palma, The Essay.” Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies 3.2 (December 2019): 39–57.
Ward, Thomas, Ed. González de Fanning, Teresa. Roque Moreno: Novela histórica. Doral: Stockcero, 2019.
Ward, Thomas. The Formation of Latin American Nations: From Late Antiquity to Early Modernity. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018.
Zhang Stearn, Yu. “Between Confucianism and Catholicism: Rethinking Wu Li as a Ming Loyalist.” Ming Qing Studies, 2019: 139-68.
Zhang, Yu. Interfamily Tanci Writing in Nineteenth-Century China: Bonds and Boundaries. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield), 2018.
Blum, Richard. Nicholas of Cusa on Peace, Religion, and Wisdom in Renaissance Context. Regensburg (Roderer), 2018.
Leder, Drew, "The Body in Advaita and Phenomenology: Two Non-Dualisms and Three Null-points," PRABUDDHABHARATA, 125, January 2020, pp. 124-132
Bauerschmidt, Frederick. The Love that is God: An Invitation to Christian Faith. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2020.
Eklund, Rebekah, “Matthew, the Cross, and the Cruciform Life,” in Cruciform Scripture: Cross, Participation, and Mission, ed. Nijay K. Gupta, Andy Johnson, Christopher W. Skinner, and Drew J. Strait (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2020), 3–21.
Fowl, Stephen E. Engaging Scripture: A Model for Theological Interpretation. Christian Literature Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea [Korean Edition], 2019.
Smit, Laura A. and Stephen E. Fowl. Judges & Ruth (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible), Brazos Press, 2018.
Visual & Performing Arts
Nygren, Barnaby. “That savage should mate with tame”: Hybridity, Indeterminacy, and the Grotesque in the Frescoes of San Miguel Arcángel (Ixmiquilpan, Mexico)” in Ornament and Monstrosity in Early Modern Art, Maria Fabricius Hansen and Chris Askholt Hammeken, eds. (Amsterdam University Press, 2019).
Nygren, Barnaby. “Old Forms Grow in New Lands: Grotesque Decoration in the Open Chapel at San Luis Obispo (Tlalmanalco, Mexico)” in Paradigms of Renaissance Grotesques ed. Damiano Acciarino (University of Toronto Press, 2019).
Malis, Jon. Transcolorations. BlackRock Center For The Arts, Germantown, MD. 2018. (Photography Exhibition)
Brizee, Allen. Read, Reason, Write: An Argument Text and Reader, 12th edition, with Dorothy U. Seyler. McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.
Camper, Martin, and Zach Fechter. “Enthymematic Free Space: The Efficacy of Anti-Stop-and-Frisk Arguments in the Face of Racial Prejudice.” Argumentation and Advocacy, vol. 55, no. 4, 2019, pp. 259-281.
Camper, Martin. Arguing over Texts: The Rhetoric of Interpretation. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Crotty, Marian. “Halloween,” Crazyhorse, No. 96, 108-117. (Fall 2019) This was also selected for the Best American Short Stories 2020.
Crotty, Marian. "We Need to Start Taking Young Women’s Love Stories Seriously,” Electric Literature, February 13, 2018.
Ryan, Terre. "That Policy Decisions Made without Scientific Backing Can Have Serious Consequences," in "50 Things We've Learned about the Earth Since the First Earth Day," Smithsonian, April 22, 2020.
Satterfield, Jane. “Test Strip.” Tupelo Quarterly 19. Web. Finalist, TQ Prose Contest. Web.
Satterfield, Jane. “The Scream.” DIAGRAM 18.4. (2018). Web.
Satterfield, Jane. “Herd.” Hotel Amerika. Vol. 16 (2018): 18-19.
Satterfield, Jane. “Which Brontë Sister Are You?”; “Night.” Literary Matters 11.3 (2019). Web.
Satterfield, Jane. “Crow Hour”; “Ode to the Eastern Grey Squirrel.” Birmingham Poetry Review 46 (2019). 221-23. Print.
Satterfield, Jane. “The Brontë Badasses”; “Emily’s Apocrypha”; “Reading Emily Brontë” by Long Island Sound.” Hopkins Review 11.4 (2018). 526-29.
Southworth, Lucas. "The Silents," AGNI, 89 (Spring 2019): 67-94)
Southworth, Lucas. "In Ignorance, In Peace," Alaska Quarterly Review, 35.1 & 35.2 (Summer & Fall 2018): 197-210
Tanner, Ron. “Angels Sing.” Everyday Fiction, Summer 2019.
Tanner, Ron, “Girls and Horses.” The Missouri Review, Summer 2019