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Peer Tutoring for Writers

The Loyola Writing Center offers peer tutoring for writers at any level, in any subject, at any point in the writing process. Our tutors will assist with class-based assignments, application essays, or personal writing. We have highly trained faculty, graduate, and undergraduate tutors standing by in-person and on Zoom.

Summer 2024

Information For Graduate Students:

Juggling coursework and a demanding research project? The LWC understands the unique challenges faced by graduate students. We offer convenient online consultations via WCOnline with tutors specially trained in advanced academic writing. Get personalized feedback on your seminar papers, dissertations, or any other writing project you're working on. Schedule an appointment and let us help you achieve excellence in your graduate studies.

Undergraduate Student Consulting: There are no plans for undergraduate tutoring/consulting during the summer.



What is the Writing Center?


To Make An Appointment

Online: Create an account in WCOnline and make an appointment.

Email: and tell us: name, course, instructor & availability.