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Faculty Publication Costs

This program supports faculty publications by reimbursing faculty authors for certain costs of the publication of a book, article or other form of publication (e.g., exhibits, performances) not covered by the publisher, up to a limit of $3,000 per publication.

The program ordinarily pays for:

  • The cost of permissions not paid for by the press or the journal publishing the faculty member's work;
  • Special costs such as illustrations, reprint fees, editing, indexing, etc., for either an article or a book;
  • Other types of equivalent expenses involved in the "publication" of creative works in other media (music, drama, visual arts, electronic arts, etc.); and/or
  • Up to 75% of subvention costs (so long as the total requested falls under the $3,000 limit) in cases in which a subvention is required for publication. In such cases, the applicant must submit evidence attesting to the quality of the press, the need for the subvention, and the publisher's contribution.

The program ordinarily does not pay for:

  • Research, travel, or other expenses leading to publication.
  • Any form of publicity for the publication.
  • Costs incurred from publishing with pay-to-publish presses, the classification of which is at the discretion of the director or the steering committee.

Faculty who receive reimbursement for publication costs are encouraged to submit a link, photograph, book cover, or some other token to the CFH program assistant that would represent their funded publication on the CFH website well. Faculty who receive reimbursement specifically for book publication costs are also encouraged to apply to the Humanities Faculty Publication Library program. 


Any full-time faculty member in the humanities (including full-time affiliates), regardless of status. Co-authors are expected to share costs equally.

Standards for Proposals

Any reasonable expense, given the summary above, necessary for the publication of a book, article, or work in another medium is eligible if the cost is not one covered by the publisher. Faculty members who are uncertain whether their expenses qualify for reimbursement under this program should contact the director.


Applicants requesting reimbursement should submit a request to the program assistant which specifies the amount and nature of the costs involved. Applicants should support their requests with appropriate documents, including a bill or receipt that shows the faculty member has paid the costs, as well as proof that the work has been accepted for publication. By submitting a request, you affirm that the expenses for which you request reimbursement have not been covered by other sources. The director authorizes the reimbursement and announces it at the next meeting of the steering committee. For subvention requests and unusual requests for other reimbursements, the director submits the request to the committee for consultation.


Faculty may submit requests at any time during the year. Since the committee as a whole discusses requests for subventions, those, and other unusual requests, should be submitted by the last working day of the month preceding the next committee meeting.