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Donor Recognition Societies

Loyola University Maryland is grateful for our loyal donors whose gifts make a meaningful difference in the lives of our students, faculty, staff, and the communities they serve. Recognition societies enable Loyola to acknowledge and thank our most committed and generous supporters. Your gifts to Loyola allow us to enhance the world-class experience and Jesuit, liberal arts education we offer to our students.

Learn more about Loyola's recognition societies:

  • President's Society - recognizes those who support Loyola with annual leadership gifts
  • Consecutive Giving Society - recognizes donors who have made a gift to Loyola for three or more consecutive fiscal years
  • Legacy Society - honors those who have named Loyola as a beneficiary of a gift from their estate 
  • Magis Society - honors individuals who have given $1 million or more cumulatively to Loyola 

President's Society

Platinum President's SocietyMembers of the President's Society—our annual leadership giving society—enjoy a special relationship with Loyola University Maryland. The President's Society recognizes our alumni, parents, and friends who show their support with gifts of $1,852—or more—during the University's fiscal year (June 1 through May 31). 

In social gatherings, special events, and personal interactions with Loyola's President and other University leaders, members have an opportunity to engage with others who share their excitement about the University's future and commitment to helping Loyola pursue its mission of educating students to learn, lead, and serve in a diverse and changing world.

President's Society Annual Leadership Support Levels:

Platinum (gifts of $50,000 or more)

President's Society Platinum

  • Personal opportunities to engage with Loyola's President and University leadership, including the Board of Trustees
  • Specific event opportunities to engage with Loyola's President
  • Reserved seating at select events, including:
    • Lessons & Carols
    • Lectures
    • Courtside basketball tickets upon request
  • Invitation to Loyola's scholarship appreciation reception where donors meet scholarship recipients and University program representatives
  • Invitation to the President's Christmas Party
  • Access to the Class of 1968 Greyhound Suite at Ridley Athletic Complex during lacrosse season
  • Annual online recognition
  • Current Parents receive reserved seating at Commencement
Gold (gifts of $25,000-$49,999)

President's Society Gold

  • Specific event opportunities to engage with Loyola's President
  • Reserved seating at select events, including:
    • Lessons & Carols
    • Lectures
    • Courtside basketball tickets upon request
  • Invitation to Loyola's scholarship appreciation event where donors meet scholarship recipients and University program representatives
  • Invitation to the President's Christmas Party
  • Access to the Class of 1968 Greyhound Suite at Ridley Athletic Complex during lacrosse season
  • Annual online recognition
  • Current Parents receive reserved seating at Commencement
Silver (gifts of $10,000-$24,999)

President's Society Silver


  • Reserved seating at select events, including:
    • Lessons & Carols
    • Lectures
    • Courtside basketball tickets upon request
  • Invitation to Loyola's scholarship appreciation reception where donors meet scholarship recipients and University program representatives
  • Invitation to the President's Christmas Party
  • Access to the Class of 1968 Greyhound Suite at Ridley Athletic Complex during lacrosse season
  • Annual online recognition
  • Current Parents receive reserved seating at Commencement
Bronze (gifts of $5,000-$9,999)

President's Society BronzeInvitation to Loyola's scholarship appreciation event where donors meet scholarship recipients and University program representatives

  • Invitation to the President's Christmas Party
  • Access to the Class of 1968 Greyhound Suite at Ridley Athletic Complex during lacrosse season
  • Annual online recognition
Green & Grey (gifts of 1,852-$4,999)

President's Society Green and Grey

  • Invitation to the President's Christmas Party
  • Access to the Class of 1968 Greyhound Suite at Ridley Athletic Complex during lacrosse season
  • Annual online recognition

Young Alumni:

  • Young alumni donors will receive the same courtesies extended to President’s Society Green & Grey members at these giving levels:
    • All undergraduate alumni 0-5 years out from graduation are invited to join with an annual gift of $500 or more
    • All undergraduate alumni 6-10 years out from graduation are invited join with an annual gift of $1,000 or more

Current Parents:

  • As members of the President's Society, parents of current undergraduate students will receive an invitation to the Commencement Brunch during their student's graduation weekend
  • Parents who make an annual gift of $2,500 will also become part of the Parents Council
Greyhounds Athletic Club (gifts of $1,852 or more supporting Loyola Athletics)
  • Donors who make an annual donation of 1, 852 or more to a Loyola Athletics designation will be recognized as members of the Greyhounds Athletics club
  • Greyhounds Athletics Club members are also members of the President's Society and receive the courtesies extended as above per President's Society giving level
  • Greyhounds Athletics club members will receive invitations to Athletics events with coaches and Loyola's Director of Athletics
  • Access to the Class of 1968 Greyhound Suite at Ridley Athletic Complex during lacrosse season
  • Annual online recognition 

President's Society Donor Roll (Fiscal Year 2024)

Ignatian Club (gifts of $1,000-$1,851)
  • Annual online recognition

Loyola's fiscal year runs from June 1 - May 31.

Ignatian Club Donor Roll (Fiscal Year 2024)

For more information about the President's Society, contact the office of donor relations at or 410-617-5273.

Consecutive Giving Society

The Loyola Consecutive Giving Society recognizes donors who invest in Loyola University Maryland for three or more consecutive fiscal years. Every gift matters, so gifts of any size qualify you for recognition in the society.

Membership in the Loyola Consecutive Giving Society is more than a reflection of a belief in the mission of Loyola. It’s an investment in a transformative education, and your gifts help to preserve the most precious parts of Loyola that we love.

How to join:

  • Make a gift of any size, to any designation, for at least three consecutive fiscal years (June 1-May 31)
  • Maintain your recognition by giving every fiscal year

Each year, Consecutive Giving Society donors are mailed a magnet as a small token of our appreciation and recognition. This year's magnet mailed to consecutive donors (FY22-24 and before) features Donnelly Science Center, which is currently undergoing an update and renovation

Loyola Consecutive Giving Society magnet from 2024 featuring Donnelly Science Center

Legacy Society

The Legacy Society was established in 1983 to honor the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends who have named Loyola as the ultimate beneficiary of a gift through their estate plans. Planned giving is a vote of confidence in Loyola’s ability to sustain its rich tradition of achievement and a sign of support for the many generations of students who will discover Loyola in years to come.

Jim and Jeannine Moriconi
Jim, '87 and Jeannine MoriconiLegacy Society Members

Jeannine and I have both benefited from scholarships. We have found harmony and success, and we want to pay it forward. Our hope is that this tradition continues in the future. If you can change one person’s life by helping to fund their college education, do it."

Learn more about planned giving or contact Mary Lineburger, '99, assistant vice president - major gifts, at or 410-617-2797.

Magis Society

Loyola's most prestigious giving society, the Magis Society recognizes those who, over their lifetime, have committed $1 million or more to Loyola and the Jesuit, Catholic ideals at the core of our institution. Magis Society members demonstrate the spirit of generosity, selflessness, and striving for excellence encompassed within the Ignatian term, magis.