Faculty Award for Excellence in Community-Engaged Teaching
This award recognizes a colleague for their commitment to community engagement through their teaching practice. This might entail a sustained commitment to offering service-learning courses or a particularly imaginative or impactful project. The faculty member will have demonstrated their ability to create meaningful community partnerships, ones which support the needs of local organizations and enrich the education of Loyola students through their contact and collaboration with Baltimore and the greater world.
Current Awardee
2024 - Suzanne Keilson, engineering 
Dr. Keilson is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Loyola University Maryland.
She has a BA degree in Physics from Yale University and M.S., M. Phil., and a Ph.D.
in Applied Physics from Columbia University. Her master’s research involved materials
science and point defects, while for her Ph.D. she studied electrical engineering,
signal processing, and biomedical sensory systems. She came to Baltimore to a post-doctoral
position at the neural encoding lab of the biomedical engineering program of Johns
Hopkins. Her current research interests include design, assistive, and user centered
engineering and engineering education.
Dr. Keilson loves to communicate the fun and excitement of all areas of science, math,
engineering, and technology. Specifically related to this award, she has worked with
a number of community partners to bring projects with a social and assistive technological
impact into her classrooms, including Probability and Statistics, Systems Engineering,
and Senior Design projects. She has especially enjoyed collaborating with Volunteers
for Medical Engineering (VME)/ Image Center Maryland and the Bridges Baltimore tutoring