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Faculty Award for Excellence in Community-Engaged Teaching

About the Award 

Offered by the Division of Academic Affairs, the Faculty Award for Excellence in Community-Engaged Teaching recognizes and celebrates a faculty member's extraordinary contributions to Loyola's students, community partners, and institutional mission through sustained involvement and excellence in community-engaged teaching. The award is given to one faculty member at the Maryland Day Celebration each spring. Awardee receives a plaque and $500 and designates a community partner to be given $500. Awardees may receive the award only once. 

What is Community-Engaged Teaching?

Community-Engaged Teaching is centered on mutually beneficial collaborations between the university and the community. The faculty member will have designed courses in which Loyola students leverage their knowledge and skills in a way that supports a community partner. These courses will also position the community partner as a co-educator, and the students’ experiences with that partner will contribute directly to the learning aims of the course. By advancing social justice, engaged citizenship, transformative learning, and direct contact with the world, such partnerships are an example of Loyola’s Jesuit mission in action. 

Characteristics of Community-Engaged Teaching at Loyola

  • May involve students doing weekly-service with a community partner, or it may be structured around a semester-long project.
  • Addresses an issue or need identified by the community.
  • Places justice as a central concern of the course.
  • Initiates or sustains a long-term relationship between Loyola and a community partner based on mutual respect and shared goals.
  • Places a special priority on under-resourced communities in the Baltimore area.

Nominate a Faculty Member for Excellence in Community-Engaged Teaching