French Honor Society
History and Description
The Loyola chapter of Pi Delta Phi is named Kappa Delta and was founded by Dr. André
P. Colombat, Dean of International Programs and Professor of French, in 1988. Each
year there is an induction ceremony at the end of the spring semester. The ceremony
begins with a brief formal program including individual presentations by the initiates
(the reading of a poem or short excerpt from a play or literary text that they like).
Family members and friends are welcome to attend. There is a $40 initiation fee (life-time
national dues) to join the society. Membership includes recognition at graduation
(your name on the commencement program as a member of Pi Delta Phi in your graduating
year), Pi Delta Phi noted on your official college transcript, a gold-plated insignia
pin, and a certificate of membership.
Pi Delta Phi, the French National Honor Society, was founded at the University of
California, Berkeley in 1906. It currently has more than 370 chapters established
at representative public and private colleges and universities in almost every state,
as well as chapters in Paris and Aix-en-Provence.
The mission of the French National Honor Society is to recognize outstanding scholarship
in the French language and francophone literatures, to increase the knowledge and
appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world,
and to stimulate and to encourage French and francophone cultural activities. Its
motto is Probainomen Diakritoi Philogálotoi, which means “Avançons, amis fidèles de
la culture française”.
Entry Requirements
Kappa Delta recognizes academic excellence and is open to Loyola students who have the following qualifications:
- at least Sophomore status
- a 3.3 grade point average or better in French,
- an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better, and
- the successful completion of at least one course in French or Francophone literatures.
For more information, contact:
Prof. Andrea Thomas