Eta Sigma Phi
Eta Sigma Phi, the National Classics Honors Society, has an active chapter at Loyola. Students are eligible for membership in Loyola's
chapter when they have completed four semesters of Latin or Greek with a 3.0 average.
Membership in such an organization conveys distinction; it indicates a facility with
language and ideas in course work of intellectual rigor. If listed on a resume, it
can be a real attraction for potential employers or professional schools. Official
membership in the national organization (requiring the payment of a small fee) also
allows students to apply for Eta Sigma Phi fellowships to the summer programs at the
American Academy in Rome, The Vergilian Society, and the American School of Classical Studies in Athens available to seniors for the summer after graduation and for several subsequent years.
These three programs are the perfect introduction to the art and archaeology of the
ancient world, and all Eta Sigma Phi members are encouraged to apply to them. Students
interested in applying for one of these fellowships should contact a member of the
department early in the fall semester before the summer in which travel is anticipated.
Applications are generally due around December. See the Eta Sigma Phi Scholarship
students accounts of their 2012s trip.
2015 induction ceremony held during the Spring party at Dr. Taylor's house (L-R: Michele Ryan, Kjerstin Burdiek, Bridget Flannery, Lauren Heery, Neal Matta, Madeline Galler)
2014 induction ceremony held during the Spring party at Dr. Walsh's house (L-R: Colleen Mitchell, Josh Ziesel, Ian McNeely, Natalie Tsottles)
Contact Us
Dr. Martha Taylor
Department Chair
Humanities Building, Room 321b
Nadine Fenchak
Program Assistant
Humanities Building, Room 322A