Working Group
The climate survey working group (CSWG) is charged with conducting Loyola University
Maryland’s Thriving Spaces survey. The group is chaired by Rodney Parker, Ph.D., chief
equity officer, and Emalee J. W. Quickel, Ph.D., director of clinical professional
counseling, associate professor.
The other members are:
- Rodney Parker, Ph.D., chief equity officer (co-chair)
- Emalee J. W. Quickel, Ph.D., director of clinical professional counseling, associate professor (co-chair)
- Milton Bravo, Ph.D., vice president for mission and identity
- Pat Cassidy, director, LGBTQ+ Student Services
- Sarah Choi, graduate student representative
- Tonia Colbert, parking lot attendant
- Cyndy Cowles, executive assistant, president
- Leyla Hecht, undergraduate student representative
- Nicole Jacobs, director, institutional research
- Rhona Little, diversity and inclusion specialist
- Jen Lowry, Ph.D., director of clinical training & chair of the faculty, associate professor
- Kristen McGuire, associate vice president for marketing and communications/ chief marketing officer
- Jason Parcover, Ph.D., assistant vice president student well being
- David Tiscione, director, Title IX and bias compliance
- Raven Williams, director, ALANA student services
- Nikia Woodard, director, employee relations & organizational development
- Sarah Winger. Ph.D., research and assessment analyst
- Victoria Cabal, Rankin associate, Rankin Climate