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What companies look for in MBA graduates

"What do future employers look for in an MBA graduate?" and "how will an MBA degree help advance my career?" are key question for those considering MBA careers. Read on to learn more about how an MBA degree can prepare you for post-graduation success.

1. Companies look for skills over knowledge

A 4.0 certainly looks good on a resume, but it doesn’t guarantee you a job post-graduation. The Financial Times reports “the five most important skills [employers look for] are not core MBA subjects, but more loosely defined qualities, or so-called soft skills, such as the ability to work with a wide variety of people (cited by 76 percent of employers) and the ability to prioritize (cited by 72 percent).”  Mastering the MBA curriculum is important, and it is equally important to gain practical, employable skills by participating through your MBA program in group projects, learning how to balance your work, etc.

2. Attractive qualities vary by sector

Post MBA careers span multiple industries. According to MBA Crystal Ball, a company’s desired skills vary depending on the hiring sector. For example, the top three qualities for consulting are “fit with company culture,” “ability to work in and build strong teams,” and “ability to make an impact.” However, the top three qualities for technology are primarily the “ability to make an impact,” followed by “fit with company culture” and the “ability to work in and build teams.” Understanding the qualities your desired sector is looking for will help you be successful in your MBA careers search.

3. Build your network

Use the time spent in business school to build your network. The connections you make during your program, whether it’s during a one-year MBA or a part-time MBA program, will increase your career prospects post-graduation. Often the best quality that a company looks for in a candidate is a trusted referral! Sellinger’s extensive alumni networking capabilities help open doors.

The focus and dedication required to complete an MBA program distinguishes you in a competitive job market. An MBA curriculum develops a foundation that makes you an in-demand candidate for a variety of MBA careers. Sharpening your skills, priming yourself for entry into a specific sector and creating a solid network while at business school will help you succeed in your post-grad career.