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Photo Gallery 2019

Enjoy some photos from the 2019 Emerging Scholars Celebration of Graduate Research (photos by Larry Canner)

Emerging Scholars cake 
2019 was the 10th Anniversary of the Emerging Scholars
Celebration of Research!

Dr. Cindy Moore, Assoc. VP for
Academic Student Affairs, begins the program

Mark Lee, Director of Graduate Student Services,
recalls the origins of the Emerging Scholars event

Dr. Amanda Thomas, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs,
introduces the award recipients

 Patricia Holy Ilenda and Father Linnane
Patricia Holy Ilenda, recipient of the
Reverend John E. Wise, S.J.Medal, poses with
Fr. Brian Linnane, S.J., University President

Mario Romain Marvin Conliffe was the recipient of the
Dr. Barry K. Estadt Medal for Excellence
in Pastoral Counseling

Dr. Carolyn Barry (l), Professor and Chair of Psychology,
poses with Hilary Rushton (c) and Megan Ingraham (r),
the recipients of the Doctoral and Master's Medals for
Excellence in Psychology, respectively

Sarah Askine was the recipient of the
Dr. Bernard A. Saltysiak Medal for Clinical Excellence
in Speech-Language Pathology

Elizabeth Claire Nawrocki was the recipient of the
Loyola University Maryland Award for
Research in Theology

Graduate Student Award Recipients of 2019


Quick Details

Present at Emerging Scholars!

Proposals due March 24th.