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Photo Gallery 2017

Enjoy some photos from the 2017 Emerging Scholars Celebration of Graduate Research (photos by Larry Canner)

Dr. Marie Kerins, Associate VP for Research and Graduate
Affairs, welcomes participants to the awards ceremony.

Teresa Wilkins, Ph.D., Pastoral Counseling,
gives the keynote address

Merertu (Mero) Kitila (left) received the Dr. Bernard A. Saltysiak
Medal for Clinical Excllence in Speech-Language Pathology.
She is pictured above with Dr. Amy Wolfson, Vice President for
Academic Affairs

Dr. Ralph Piedmont, Pastoral Counseling, poses with Dayna
Marie Nicolette Pizzigoni, recipient of the Dr. Barry K. Estadt
Medal for Excellence in Pastoral Counseling

Dr. Fritz Bauerschmidt, Theology, poses with Andrew M.
Belfield, recipient of the Loyola University Maryland Award
for Research in Theology

Sylvia Casteleyn Doud was the recipient of
The Reverend John E. Wise, S.J. Medal for Distinguished
Achievement in Education.  She is pictured above with
Dr. Robert Helfenbein and Dr. Joshua Smith










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Present at Emerging Scholars!

Proposals due March 24th.