Emily Nupp, Stephanie Flores-Koulish, Ph.D.
The More We Love Together: A Critically Conscious Social-Emotional Curriculum
Children pick up on latent prejudices and develop implicit bias as early as preschool age, yet there is a large gap in research providing effective guidance for unlearning these biases (Diemer et al., 2016). Critically conscious curriculum is urgently needed in our communities to emphasize the voices of diverse students who are being marginalized.
Diemer, M. A., Rapa, L. J., Voight, A. M., & Mcwhirter, E. H. (2016). Critical consciousness:
A developmental approach to addressing marginalization and oppression. Child Development
Perspectives, 10(4), 216-221. doi:10.1111/cdep.12193
Macnevin, M., & Berman, R. (2016). The Black baby doll doesn’t fit the disconnect
between early childhood diversity policy, early childhood educator practice, and children’s
play. Early Child Development and Care, 187(5-6), 827-839. doi:10.1080/03004430.2016.1223065