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Mary Gogarty, Stephanie Flores-Koulish, Ph.D.

5th Grade Eureka Math Companion Guide to Support English Language Learners

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The goal of this project is to create a curriculum companion guide for Grade 5 Eureka Math curriculum to directly support the needs of English Learners. The goals related to this guide include:

  • Create specific and tangible materials for 5th grade math teachers to utilize when teaching Eureka Math Curriculum.
  • Create instructional materials with the use of WIDA Standards to support student language development in mathematics.

I currently work as a fifth grade math teacher in a public school with a high population of English learners. I also hold an undergraduate degree in elementary education with a certification in special education. Through my professional experience and undergraduate and graduate students, I have seen the lack of consideration for diverse learners in scripted curriculums. I have worked with Eureka Math, by GreatMinds, for 5 years, in grades 2-6. Although the curriculum does include recommendations for English learners, it does not include tangible tools or materials for teachers to support them. Additionally, it does not take into consideration the varying levels of proficiency that English learners bring to the classroom environment. Varying language proficiency levels require varying kinds of instructional support. The upper elementary years are an important time to support students in their areas of growth so they can be successful in their secondary years. This curriculum companion supports fifth grade mathematics teachers in best supporting their ELL students with specific tools aligned to each module. Within each module there will be specific materials related to language objectives, targeted vocabulary support and strategies for student discourse.


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Present at Emerging Scholars!

Proposals due March 24th.