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Rachel Firestone, Scott Strickman, Martin Sherman, Ph.D.

Tackling Unemployment Among African-American Women in Baltimore

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The main objectives of the proposed project are to identify, analyze and discuss characteristics that have historically been linked to success or failure, as measured by graduation rate and job attainment through the Caroline Center’s workforce training programs. The mission of the Caroline Center is “to enable unemployed and underemployed women in Baltimore City to find employment in a career with potential for advancement, thus creating a future of hope for themselves and their families” (O’Conor, 2010). To date, the Caroline Center has not explicitly researched the type of trainee who benefits the most from the training they receive from the programs offered. With access to limited resources, the Caroline Center seeks to identify candidates most likely and least likely to succeed in their 15-week certification programs (A. Cunningham, personal communication, November, 11, 2010). I have already begun delving into the data and conceptualizing the many queries possible through the Efforts-to-Outcomes (ETO) and Social Solutions data entry and analysis software utilized by the Caroline Center (, 2010). In order for the data analysis to have the greatest impact, I also hope to be able to make concrete recommendations to the Caroline Center. Specifically, I would like to help the Caroline Center retain and place the greatest number of trainees.

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Present at Emerging Scholars!

Proposals due March 24th.